Friday, October 19, 2012

Marvel Heroes Dress

Hai there Internet!!

I have completed my Marvel Heroes dress!! Only took me about 3 hours. I think I am getting faster! I also put together a video if anyone would like to see how I made it!

Here is the design on the T-Shirt:

The game can be found here:


And, without any further adieu, my dress!

Here is the video:

Let me know what you guys think!

<3 Jenn


  1. It looks fantastic! Fits very well, I think my sister would love it. The only issue I have with it are the upper-chest/shoulders, but other than that it seems really nice. +1

  2. That's gorgeous! I got the same shirt at PAX this year but it's HUGE on me.. I never thought of turning it into a dress! I was gonna make it into a racer-back tanktop but was scared of loosing the logo on the back if I did.

  3. Please sell me one , email me at
